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Writer's pictureRIck LeCouteur

The Black and White of Building a Brand: A neurosurgeon's story

Imagine turning your quiet Sunday into a whirlwind of emergency surgery that not only saves a life but unexpectedly launches your professional brand into the national spotlight. This is the story of how a straightforward decision in black and white transformed my entire career overnight.


In the balmy summer of 1989, I made a pivotal shift from my cozy faculty position in neurology and neurosurgery at Colorado State University to chase a daring dream back home in Australia. My mission? To pioneer Sydney’s very first specialty practice in veterinary neurology and neurosurgery.


Nestled within the walls of an existing veterinary hospital, my new venture took shape with the support of my old pal Richard, the hospital’s owner. Richard wasn’t just a friend; he was a mentor and a collaborator from days past, and his support was crucial as I embarked on this new chapter.


However, launching the practice was one thing; making it known was another. Despite my efforts - hopping between veterinary clinics, speaking at professional gatherings, and hosting meet-and-greets - I found my practice growing, but at a tortoise’s pace. That is, until one fateful day when the tide turned so swiftly it nearly swept me off my feet. From handling a manageable flow, I suddenly found myself drowning in cases, operating seven days a week.


What sparked this sudden surge? The answer came from the most unexpected of places - the airwaves. As it turned out, my practice had received an impromptu shoutout on a popular national radio show, but the backstory is where the magic lies.


One Sunday morning, I received a call about a Border collie with a spine fractured from a tree-climbing misadventure (yes, chasing those crafty magpies). When the local vet suggested a Monday appointment, my response came swiftly: “The dog doesn’t know it’s Sunday.” We needed to act fast - spinal injuries wait for no one, and certainly not for the week to start!


The procedure was a success, with the Border collie making a full recovery after weeks of care and therapy. Little did I know, the dog’s owner wasn’t just any pet lover but one of Australia’s most beloved radio personalities. She took to the airwaves, recounting her dog’s ordeal and the swift, compassionate care it received at my hands.


This story, shared across the nation, not only filled my appointment books but also defined my brand almost overnight: a dedicated, no-days-off neurosurgeon who placed animal welfare above all else. In my journey from academic to lifesaver, I learned that sometimes, the best brand building is simply doing what you do best - caring deeply and acting swiftly.


Reflecting on that whirlwind period, it's clear that while I might have missed some family time that Sunday, the sacrifice paved the way for a practice that not only thrived but also truly made a difference. It’s funny how life works - sometimes your brand finds you, and all you must do is live up to it.


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