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Writer's pictureRIck LeCouteur

Waking Up to Nostalgia: The joy of a perfect replacement

Updated: Dec 9, 2024

In 1976, as I prepared to leave Australia for what was intended to be a six-month world trip, my mother handed me a gift. It was a small travel alarm clock, sturdy yet unassuming, its design radiating the simplicity and reliability of the era. She told me it would help me stay on time in the whirlwind of adventures ahead.


I never imagined then how significant this clock would become, not just as a practical tool, but as a companion through decades of travels and life changes.


That six-month trip stretched into a lifetime away from Australia, with the clock faithfully marking the passage of time. It woke me for early morning lectures, reminded me of flight departures, and stood sentinel beside countless hotel beds. Its reassuring “tick-tock” (although it’s a digital clock, and doesn’t make a sound!) became a “constant” during my travels, a steady presence even in the most unfamiliar settings.


But as time has its way with all things, the little clock began to falter. Its once-clear face became clouded with scratches, and its tick-tock grew faint. And then, one day, it stopped altogether - its last tock marking the end of a 50-year partnership. I felt an unexpected pang of sadness. After half a century, the loss of my little timekeeper felt like the closing of a chapter.


With one of my favorite coping strategies at the top of my mind

- “It’s over! What’s next? –

I looked forward.


Determined to find a replacement, I began my search. With the internet at my fingertips, I scoured the digital shelves of Amazon, wondering if anything could come close to matching the original.


Then, there it was!

Like a small miracle, I found it: the exact same make and model of my cherished clock. My heart skipped a beat. Could it really be the same?


When the package arrived, I unwrapped it with a mix of excitement and trepidation.


The clock was identical, down to the last detail!

It was as if I had turned back time and recovered a piece of my younger self. This morning, as the alarm rang, I was met with a delightful surprise - the sound was the same as it had been for all those years. The familiar tone transported me back 50 years, and to all the mornings that had followed since.


There’s a beauty in continuity, in the idea that even as tempus fugit - time flies - we can hold onto fragments of the past. My new-old travel alarm now sits proudly on my nightstand, a quiet reminder of where I’ve been and the people who’ve shaped my journey.


Time marches on, but some moments

- and some objects –

keep us tethered to what matters most.


Rick’s Commentary


Time is relentless, an invisible force that carries us forward,

indifferent to our plans, joys, or regrets.


It is both fleeting and infinite, reminding us of our impermanence while anchoring us to life’s rhythms. In a world of constant change, stability becomes our refuge - a place, a memory, or even an object that grounds us amidst the flow of time.


Stability offers us a sense of continuity, a way to measure our growth and preserve our essence as the years unfold. It is the steady heartbeat in a chaotic world, the familiar presence of a ticking clock, or the unwavering presence of a loved one. These anchors don’t stop time; they frame it, giving it meaning and purpose.


Time and stability are not opposites; they are partners.


Stability allows us to appreciate time, while time imbues stability with value.

Together, they teach us that while we cannot pause the march of moments, we can embrace the constancy of what truly matters. In their interplay, we find a balance - a tether to our past and a guide to our future.


Time moves forward, but stability ensures that we don’t lose ourselves in its wake.


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